Friday, October 30, 2009

Time to Vote!

I just checked out the Hamilton's blog and Molly had the bright idea of putting a boy or girl poll up, so naturally, I stole the idea. So, vote away!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Uneventful Weekend

It was another uneventful weekend at the Stonehocker house! "Morning" sickness continues to kick my ass, and I was pretty laid out on Saturday. I didn't leave the house or get out of my pajamas all day. I woke up hungry on Sunday (which is a rare, but always good sign) so we blasted to Cheesecake Factory for Sunday brunch, which I seriously packed away. Molasses cookies had been sounding good, so we made some at Mom's that afternoon...but by the time they were out of the oven, I was too sick to eat them. WAH WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I'd have to say last night was one of the sickest I've been to date. I hope that was the "it gets worse before it gets better" part. I am definitely ready to start ENJOYING this pregnancy!

Just for fun, here is Rocco looking cute, possibly contemplating his existence:

Monday, October 19, 2009

9 weeks down, 31 to go!

We had another ultrasound this is so crazy to me how much the little bean has grown in just 2 and a half weeks. I wish I could get an ultrasound every day to see this little creature growing inside me. Next one is December 1, and we should know if we're cooking a boy or girl!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Welcome, Baby Rocco!

I'd have to say, the next best thing to having your own baby is watching your sister have hers. I am so proud of Lesley and so happy that Rocco is finally here. Here's the first of what I am sure will be thousands of pictures to come!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

...and baby makes three!

So many folks know, so it seems silly to keep this "secret" any longer...we're having a baby! In May! Here is our first look at the little bean:

Its about the size of a coffee bean in this picture, and we were able to see the heartbeat as well...a bright flashing light on the screen...and quite possibly the best thing I've ever seen in my life.

Stay tuned for lots of updates!

Monday, October 5, 2009

See Spot Walk

The first Saturday in October is the See Spot Walk fundraiser for The Idaho Humane Society and has become a fun tradition for us since we've been pet owners. This year was no exception. Its total chaos to be around hundreds of dogs and their owners, but its a good time...and for a great cause!