Tuesday, July 19, 2011

First Haircut

Saturday was a momentous day for mommy. Aunt Lesley finally convinced her that Spencer was ready for a haircut and that she could do it. He really still doesn't have much hair on top, but he was well on his way to a mullett and we just couldn't have that! Considering her wiggly target, I think she did a great job!

We got a shot! Sort of.

We have been trying since Spencer was born to get a decent picture of Rocco and Spencer together. It seems like the harder we try, the worse it turns out. Luckily, our friend Lindy swooped in to (attempt) to save the day and make our dreams come true. Haven't seen everything she got yet, but I am pretty pleased with this one.
I mean, at least they are both kind of looking in the direction of the camera and neither one of them has tears in their eyes. This is progress!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July Camping

How happy was I that we were able to get back to a family tradition this year with a camping trip on the Fourth of July?!?!?! Was I nervous to take a toddler in the woods? Yes! Did it work out great? Yes! I have quite the nature boy on my hands and he was just thrilled to be outside and play in the dirt.

Two years ago I was obsessed with getting Fergie's picture in the daisy's in New Meadows (picture on the right). This year I wanted to get Spencer in the same spot...and he was just about as cooperative as she was then, although I did manage to get a few good ones.