Monday, April 8, 2013


We hope everyone had a lovely Easter this year. We enjoyed the beautiful weather and spent LOTS of time outside and hid and found so many eggs I lost track! No nice day is complete without a ride in the gator. The boys even took turns driving (which resulted in hilarious "chinese fire drill" switches that I am still sad I didn't grab on film). Yes, there are TWO girls in the mix now to go along with our two boys, but since I hijacked these pics from Grampa and he hasn't gotten around to sending pics of the girls yet, you will just have to trust me that they were adorable. In fact, we commented that they look so much like their brothers that it is almost like looking back three years ago...except now the babies are wearing pink instead of blue!

Big Brother, Spencer

I am so very proud of Spencer and his mad big brother skills. He has been so patient with life with a newborn and is always anxious to check on Emily (pronounced em-uh-LEE) or just look at her. Today she smiled at him for the first time and my heart melted. Haven't been able to get great pics of the two of them, but here are a few.

Where does the time go?

Our little angel has already been here for seven weeks? How is this possible? While I do take pictures, I have not had two seconds to download them. Even now, I feel like I am crazy to be updating the blog when BOTH of my children are asleep. Why am I not napping!?!?!?! A few weeks ago at one month old... We are also starting to pay attention to our toys a little bit. And of course big brother is always there to entertain!