Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Where did November go?

I have been a terrible blogger this month. I can't believe my last post was Happy Halloween and now we are already through Thanksgiving. I don't even have a lot of pictures to show for the last four weeks. I blame work for this, as November is prime food drive time and there wasn't a weekend or a week that went by without late nights. But hey, we're feeding people! I can breathe in January! Anyway, to get you in the Christmas spirit, take a look at the epic disaster that was our visit to Santa this year.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween this year. Because my brother in law Jesse works odd hours, my sister and nephew often go on lots of little adventures with us. Without fail my sister will ask: do you think people think we are sister wives? No. No they don't. But what a great costume idea!
We had our annual trick or treat parade in Hyde Park again this year with daycare. He still doesn't know what candy really is, nor did I let him eat any, but Spencer still thought it was cool to be able to pick treasures out of a bowl.
The Incredible Hulk strutting his stuff...
Digging through his loot...