Friday, March 30, 2012

Pinterest has changed my life.

Are you on yet? If you aren't, you need to be. Let me know and I'll send you an invite! I was skeptical and confused at first, but I have become a full blown fanatic. I have ideas for everything from arts & crafts to travel destinations and home decor and inspirations pinned on here! I have especially going crazy this week. Not just pinning, but DOING.

Earlier in the week, I made these Hassselbeck Potatoes. So easy, lovely, and delicious. Mine practically looked like these, except I accidentally cut through one end...oops!

I have this wall in my kitchen that has been bugging me and I just haven't found what I wanted to do with it...until Pinterest! They look absolutely lovely on my wall...take my word for it!

With two months til Memorial Day, when I found this pin, it summed up how I feel perfectly.

Next up is Easter activities...discovered a genius way to dye easter eggs with little ones and a festive rice krispie treat recipe.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Testing the mobile app. If it works maybe I will blog more!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Random February Shots

We had a lot going on in February but I do not have many pictures to show for it. I suppose every parent has experienced this. The first few months of life you take hundreds upon hundreds of shots, but toddlerhood hits and man, who has the time to grab the camera? I feel like I am missing a lot and this is such a fun age, I don't want to forget a memory! February brought a visit from Nana and Poppa, and then a couple weeks we returned the favor and traveled down to Utah. I had a birthday, Spencer chipped a tooth (or two), he also had his first nosebleed (or three), and then there was the ear infection (both ears!),the best boss I have EVER had announced she was leaving the foodbank, Team Umizoomi has become a lifesaver in our house and I was introduced to the nightmare that is Monkey Business.

But we have lots of fun and silliness. Two binkies are always better than one!

Perhaps a little organizer like mom in the making? Had to line up all the fruit.

Definitely a poor showing in the photo department! I will say I will try to be better, but my confidence in that statement is very low.