Monday, September 20, 2010

Best friends?

Maybe not yet, but Spencer and Fergie are definitely warming up to each other! I must say that Fergie has been a trooper from the start. She was very cautious around Spencer and protective from the day we brought him home. But I didn't really think she LIKED him. Well now that Spencer is starting to notice and interact with her, she's now his biggest fan. I should have known our little drama queen just needed the attention. Here she is standing guard over her little buddy: Another thing that has helped is that I have eased up on the no licking rule and licking is now allowed in moderate doses. It is the only way doggies show they care, after all!

Sick puppy!

Those of you who are facebook friends may recall my post a couple weekkends ago about my dog apparently eating her weight in corn cob and husks...and then throwing it up the entire next day. Gross. But I felt really bad for's like when your baby is do you explain to them what is going on and that they will feel better soon? Okay, I admit its not quite like when your baby is sick, but same principle. Here the little overeater is trying to get some rest. She swaddled herself up in the blanket like that.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic

We had a very fun Labor Day weekend here in Boise as my family produced the Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic once again. What started out as part of the River Festival, continued as a balloon only event for several years after the River Fest folded. Then, with my dad's increasing schedule he just didn't have the time to secure sponsors, so we kinda just quit doing it. Until now! This year also marks the 100th Anniversary of Aviation in Idaho, so we had a lot of support from the state, city and FAA. Hilariously, I didn't take any pictures of balloons the entire weekend. I've been taking pics of balloons for two decades and they all start to look the same, so I just don't do it anymore. Of course I took lots of pics of my two favorite boys. It was really fun to show off Spencer and Rocco to our ballooning family...many of them have known my sister and I since we were their age!

Touching the balloon

Shauna, Spencer, Melissa, Addyson, Lesley & Rocco. We used to be the party girls at these the thought of taking care of these rugrats with a hangover is very unappealing.

Taking turns at the burner

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Seriously...60 years?!

As mentioned in a previous post, my grandparents have been married for 60 years and that is nothing short of amazing to me. I don't think I'll live long enough to be married 60 years! Their anniversary party had more people attending than my wedding I think! It was a lot of fun and lots of people got to meet Spencer - and I always love showing him off. So does my grampa, who is just in heaven holding Spencer. And the fact that his name is Spencer just puts him over the moon!

Stonehocker Visit

A couple weeks ago Chris's parents, sister and brother in law came to visit. And I somehow spaced blogging about it! Anyway, it was great to see everyone. We hit the Saturday market (and as a side note, when did it get SO BIG? It was like walking around a theme park down there) and ate out a ton, which is always fun...especially for this new family that doesn't venture out of the house as much as we used to!

Spencer being adored by everyone in the room...just the way he likes it!

Getting ready to roundhouse kick someone if we don't get home to bed soon!

Last minute loves from nana before they hit the road. We'll miss you!