Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Road trip!

We finally decided to brave a road trip with Spencer and head to Utah for an extended weekend. One thing we learned is that our instincts were probably right and he might still be a little young for a road trip, but all things considered, he did great (oh, except for the 90 minutes of screaming on the way down there). We were very excited to meet new baby Claire and have Spencer meet his Uncle Adam & Aunt Jodi. In fact, ALL of the Stonehocker kids were there so it was like a nice little family reunion! Here is our niece Claire Lynn Christensen...7 weeks old already!
Spencer LOVED spending time with his uncles. This is probably my favorite picture of the weekend, Uncle Tyler with his "little Tyty" as he calls him. We named Spencer Tyler after him.
College football with Uncle Adam
We had a more successful drive back...sleeping until Mountain Home! And then the tears began. I'm thinking next time we fly!

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