Monday, March 21, 2011

March Madness!

I have never been a big basketball fan, but I figure I have a son now, so I need to bone up on all sports. Not to mention filling out and tracking my bracket has brought out a fun competitive side in me (I'm currently second place in my office pool!). Spencer really seems to enjoy watching basketball at home with daddy so we thought we'd try out a Stampede game. Thanks to The Idaho Foodbank and AgriBeef we were lucky enough to score some suite tickets.

It was a little loud in the arena and he was much happier hanging out in the suite...just like his mamma!

Back on the home front, we have been busy loading up the ipad with all sorts of apps for Spencer to play with. It's almost kinda sad...there are even apps that will read to your kids for you. Spence is a big fan of the "L" Lightbulb in the alphabet app and trying to blow bubbles in the koi pond.
We go pants free at home a lot these days. For some reason lately he just fights me to put the pants on, so I pick my battles.

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